{Health} Whole30: The Holiday Edition
On Sunday, Mike and I started another round of Whole30. We'd fallen off the healthy-eating train and desperately needed a kick start. We let ourselves indulge while on vacation and never managed to get back on track. Not only did I gain some weight (actually we both did), but we've been feeling like crud. My face has been breaking out. My joints have been aching even more than they normally do. We've both been feeling tired and a bit cranky. So we took the plunge and decided we needed another round of Whole30.
We're only on day three, but I already feel a little bit better. I think it's physiological, but I'll gladly take any improvement. There's some peace and relief that comes from knowing we're taking charge of our health again and making healthier choices. That alone is powerful.
I honestly feel like this round will be much easier than our last go around. It helps that I never reintroduced some super unhealthy elements like daily soda, ice cream and sweeteners of any kind. After we finished our first round of Whole30, we vowed not to buy or bring into our home some of the stuff that was most addicting and would cause us major withdrawals if we got hooked again (for me, that was caffeine from sugary drinks). This is by far one of the smartest things we did and it's making (and will make) a huge difference during the early days (and the roughest) of Whole30.
Another major reason we decided to get back on a Whole30 lifestyle is because it'sDecember and there is so much temptation to fill out bodies with crap. Cookies, candy, cakes ... You name it and it's being served up at holiday parties. We rationalize saying yes to these treats because it's a special time of year. But seriously, do we really need them? And do they make our bodies feel better? Or do they contribute to the sluggishness we feel? I believe it's the later.
This year I want to focus on the real reason for the season and not stuff my face or put myself in a sugar coma. I can honor this season and the birth of Christ by honoring my body. This might sound nuts to some, but I feel like I get too caught up in all the crap surrounding Christmas and forget what it's all about. And the decadent food is just as much of a distraction as all the commercialism.
Wish me luck. It's going to be hard for different reasons this time around (Peppermint Joe Joes, are my nemesis), but I know the benefits outweigh any discomfort I might feel along the way.
What are you doing to stay healthy this holiday season?