Right now ... June 2015 Edition
Running and walking a lot, like miles and miles a day. I've had more than 10,000 every day since early May. I'm on a roll. Mike and I have been running and walking together each morning and getting a jump start on Reading Station Eleven and Mockingjay (with Shelby). I just finished up The Martian and highly recommend it. The movie, based on the book, come out in November and stars (my boyfriend) Matt Damon. I showed Shelby the trailer the other day and we can't wait to see it.
Dreaming of making this cake again. A few years ago, we started a tradition where we make homemade cakes for everyone's birthdays. When it's your birthday, you get to pick the cake and frosting flavors and then I make it. I made this particular cake for Mike's birthday (last month) ... and with some modifications, I was able to eat it as well (it was gluten free and almost dairy free, as it just had eggs, which I do eat). I was SO yummy. Moist and tangy. I added a little extra lemon juice to make sure to hide the strong flavor of the milk alternative I used (coconut/almond milk).
Geeking out of my new FitBit Aria Scale. I won it through my health insurance sponsored wellness program. It syncs with my FitBit account and tracks my weight and body fat. I would have never bought this myself, but it's super cool and even better since it was free.
Painting a new abstract landscape. I haven't painted in awhile. First I was too busy, then I got distracted with other creative projects. I was missing it and happily jumped back in.
Wearing this bracelet all the time. I got in a small store in Brooklyn when Mike and went to NYC last month. It's simple and classy. And it reminds me of our time in New York.
Trying to contain my excitement for the first ever Camp DeMucha, where all my siblings (there are six of us) will be together for the first time in 15 to 20 years. Seriously. all six of us haven't been together in ages. Plus, we're all bringing our families along, so there will be 30 plus people at Camp DeMucha. I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Trying to enforce the Summer Screen Time rules I introduced to the kiddos a few weeks back. I'm such a sucker and let them get away with way too much (that's my husband talking in my head).