{Family} Around here, right now ...
... We're preparing to host Thanksgiving. This year, we're shaking things up a bit and making all the sides we found here. Sadly, there's no green bean casserole on my menu this year. I'm torn ... should I make it anyway or stick with my fun, new menu?
Shelby had an exam and will be getting glasses. Could she be any cuter? She picked out two pairs of glasses and she can't wait for them to be ready. She's counting down until the arrive next week.
I updated my Etsy shop. I added some Christmas printable posters. I had one of them printed super big and I can't wait to frame it and hang it up.
Mike lost his wedding ring. It slid off his finger when he was swimming in the ocean. This is the downside of losing so much weight. We stopped by a jewelry store to see about replacing it, and were shocked at how expensive a simple band is. I'm pretty sure we only spent about $100 on his band when we got married. The cheapest ring we saw was almost $700. How's that for inflation? Needless to say, Mike is still without a ring!
We already took the kids to see Santa. Shelby doesn't believe in the old guy anymore, but she plays along for her brother. Shelby asked Santa for a wall calendar and a sewing machine and Coop asked for a skateboard and a big, big ball.
We're looking forward to a long weekend, family time (Hello Papa and Mama Shelley) and lots of good food.