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{Free} Printable: February Journaling Cards

Hello out there. Happy, happy February. Did you survive all the Super Bowl madness? I really can’t say I’m a huge football fan. I watch mostly because my husband does and the commercials are fun. The real fun of the Super Bowl is the food. I love all the fun and tasty Super Bowl treats.

Anyway.  It’s the very first Monday of February so I have a freebie for you. I created some February/Love-themed journaling cards. This month I decided to include a small calendar. What do you think of this addition? Should I keep it for each month?

I hope you like this month’s cards. Check back the first Monday of March for another set of free cards.

February2013_JournalingCards_krdkDownload these printer-ready journaling cards here.


If you've missed my previous (free) printables, you can find most of them here (I update the page as time permits).  Use my printables? Share a link, I’d love to see what you’ve done with them.

Edited to add: I had someone mention in the comments that this month’s download contained malware. I checked, cleaned my computer, did all the things you need to do … but no malware. I did, just to be safe, create a new version of the printable and saved it as a JPG. The links above are pointed to the new file. Just to be clear, I did not fin malware anywhere, on any of my computers. But just to be safe I uploaded a fresh, clean version for you all. Hope this helps. It can also be downloaded here.