Day One, Prayer One
My Father in Heaven,
Even though I seem quite ungrateful, frustrated and angry alt these days, I do know I have much to be grateful for. Inspire of aches and pains, I wake each morning and have another day. I have another day to spend with those I love. I am blessed to be the mother of two precious angels. Shelby teaches me each day to be strong, have an opinion and seek knowledge in all I do. Cooper teaches me that life is exciting and filled with joy. Mike shows me that hard work is important and will make a difference in our lives. Though I moan, complain and feel overwhelmed, I have much to be thankful for. Please Lord, help me see the goodness around me. Help me pick out the awesome things that fill my world. Remind me each minute of each hour of each day that I am blessed beyond measure. But most of all my Father, help me act like someone who is blessed. Let me have more love, more gratitude and more patience fir those around me. Please bless my family. Keep them safe when I am far away. Wrap them with your love and remind them that no matter where I am in the worked not a moment goes by at I don't think of them, hope for the best for them and love them with my entire heart and soul. Thank you Father. I am indeed blessed.