Welcome Baby
Our little family just got a little bigger. A big and loving welcome to our sweet little boy.
Cooper Rex Edward Kalil
Born on April 4, 2009
5:58 p.m.
7 pounds 11 ounces
19 1/4 inches long
Originally, Cooper's name was just going to be Cooper Rex. We had a ton of trouble agreeing on a name, so when we did there was no way we were going to change it. And then Cooper arrived on April 4th and that made us change our minds a bit. April 4, 2009 would have been my Grandpa Ed's 88th birthday. He passed away almost three years ago and is greatly missed. It seemed fitting that we give this baby my Grandpa's name. Since we didn't want to give up the names Cooper and Rex, we just added Edward to the end. So now our very little guy has a very big name.
Here's a slightly blurry photo of our little family. Everyone is doing well and happy. Shelby seems quite fascinated with Cooper and Cooper seems like an angel baby. He's calm and super easy going. Let's hope that sticks!!!