The weather in Southern Arizona is perfect this time of year. The sun is shining. The temps are in the 80s. There is often a cool breeze blowing. Love it. I really do. This weekend we took advantage of the great weather. The 4th Ave. Street Fair was up and running ... celebrating its 40th year. We headed downtown with Nana in tow and checked out all the art. We also stuff ourselves with lots of yummy food. Shelby's favorite part was riding the trolley to and from our car. It's always her favorite part!
Shelby was especially happy with her corny dog (as she calls them) and the Italian Ice. Much of the Italian Ice ended up in her dress, but she didn't mind. I haven't been feeling so hot, so it was nice to get out of the house and get some fresh air. The walking really wore me out ... but it's good for me, right?
We also had Nana and Big Mike over for dinner on Saturday night, so we could all watch some March Madness games. We made a roast, which simmered all day in the crock pot ... but everyone ate way too many appetizers, so we have tons of leftovers!
Sunday was our big baking adventure. Mike made some yummy bread (from scratch). And I made Whoopie Pies. We had seen an article in the New York Times about them and decided we needed to try it for ourselves. Then we grilled for dinner and Shelby practice her amazing trampoline tricks some more. She's preparing for when Savannah comes next month for a visit and she can show her all her great moves.
I went back to my doctor's yesterday. I'm officially full term now. So if we have to make any more trips to the hospital, they'll just keep us. I'm progressing ... no more dilation, but I'm now 75% effaced. So hopefully something will happen soon! Here's my week 37 photo. I'm looking a little worn out if you didn't notice!