Favorite things
Shelby definitely has some favorite things right now. She's a creature of habit (much like her mama).
She's really into juicy foods (her words, not mine). So, she's been eating a ton of grapes and mandarin oranges.
She's really into music. Last night she said, "Everything is better with music." Very true.
She's into her wagon. It's a cheap plastic wagon she got a few years back and she's been playing with it nonstop. She drags it upstairs, downstairs, in the back yard and all over the house. She fills it with all sorts of thing. She sits in it. It's seriously her favorite toy right now and it doesn't even have a handle anymore!
She's really into this wrestling game she plays with Mike. Each night near bedtime she says, "Daddy, let's play THE Game." The game is sort of a cross between WWF wrestling and keep away.
She's really loving "Martha Speaks" and "Curious George," both of which can be seen on PBS.
She's a big crafter. She loves to paint. She loves to color. She loves to make cards. Anything crafty and Shelby is there.
And she's so into her baby brother and preparing for his arrival. She loves to look through he clothes, wants to put together all his things and practices taking care of a baby (thanks to all her baby dolls).