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Hello School and 6th + 1st Grades

Right Now | New School Year | Kimberly Kalil Designs Summer came to an end much too quickly and it's time to hit the books again.  Yesterday, Shelby and Cooper went back to school, 6th and 1st grades respectively. Both kids were super excited to go back to school.

Shelby started middle school, which means lots of changes though she's still at the same school she's be at since 2nd grade ... just in a different building. Shelby is excited about middle school and the feeling of being one of the older kids at their school. She picked wood shop and comic book arts for her electives. She got a locker, which pretty much made her the happiest kid, ever. She's almost as tall as me, and I'm sure in a year or two she'll tower over me. She's started to be a bit more particular about her hair and how she looks. She asked to go to the salon the day before school started and get a blow out, which is a huge shift from my little girl who was happy to wear baggy clothes and be covered in mud.  It took her hours and stops at four different stores to find the perfect first-day-of-school outfit. Shopping with her is a chore; she's become so, so particular. But she's has a sweet, tender heart and you can't help but adore her, even when she's taking 30 minutes to decided which socks would be best.

Cooper was bouncing off the walls the night before school started. He loves school and loves being surrounded by his friends. His teacher, Crystal, is kind and calming, which the perfect mix for Cooper. He's a whiz at math, so first grade the emphasis will be on reading. Cooper loves to tell stories and makes/writes his own books. He fills pages and pages of ideas and drawings. On his first day, he had the wiggliest front tooth, that finally  came out just before bedtime. Immediately, he sounded different, especially when it comes to the letter "s". He's still wearing his hair short, since it's so hot here. When we went shopping for an outfit to wear on the first day of school, it took him all of two minutes to pick it out: Minion shirt, shorts, Minion shoes and a hat. He had to have the hat. He's very serious about his style. Cooper is a bundle of joy. He's almost always happy and is a friend to all. He's such a kind, loving and even tempered kiddo. He's the perfect bookend to our family.


Though I was a little sad to see our summer break end, I was also ready for school to start. I love routines and especially love the routine of school. We're much more productive and organized during the school year and if there are too things I really love, they are productivity and organization! As the kids head back to school, I too am focused on learning. I've been taking a Spanish class, and plan on devoting even more time to refreshing my Spanish language skills. I'm also looking for a couple of art classes to take at night or on the weekends. There is a printmaking class I'm looking at, as well as an abstract painting class.  It's back to school for all of us ... a season of learning. And that makes me even happier than routines, order and productivity.