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{Etsy} Shop Update: Inspiring Words

Kimberly Kalil Designs: Etsy Shop UpdateHello there! I've been a busy little bee! Lots of designing. Tons of writing. A super productive business trip. But I wanted to take a quick break from all of that and pop on over here to show you what I've been creating. I have been super inspired by the word BEGIN, which happens to be my One Little Word for 2014. I've been happily gathering up images and inspiring words as a reminder that I want to focus on beginning. With all these words and images swirling around in my head, I couldn't help but create some new art prints. All of these little goodies have made their way into my Etsy shop and are available for purchase. Head on over and check it out. Is there something you're looking for and can't find? Let me know and I can create something special just for you.

Next week I'll be adding some fun LDS Baptism printables.  I originally designed some for my sister and her kids, and since they turned out so cute I'm going to add them to my shop.

Be sure to check back next Wednesday for my next shop update.