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Project Life: Yes, I’m behind

I feel like a total schmuck.

I promised myself I wouldn’t get behind again.

And then guess what? I got behind again. It’s a vicious cycle. I get behind. I get caught up. Then after hustling to get caught up, I’m a little burnt out and I let things slide. So then I get behind again. And then I hustle. And then … you see what I mean.

Seriously. Summer and my summer schedule is doing a number on me. I feel like if I can just make it through the summer, then my life will settle back into normal and I’ll be able to keep up. I think the biggest reason I’ve fallen behind is I do not have a dedicated day for assembling my Project Life pages. I need to block out the same time each week to do these pages and I think I might be able to get them done in a reasonable time frame (not two weeks after they happened).

I Kimberly resolve to set aside some time each Sunday to do my pages. Let’s see if that makes a difference!

Anyway. Here are my latest pages … my week 31, July 1-7th:



And here are my inserts for the week. I went a little crazy with the inserts … but that’s because there was a lot going on.






How’s project life going for you? Are you keeping up? Is it harder to stay on track now that summer is here? Any tricks you could share? This week I linked up with The Mom Creative, a site filled with great Project Life inspiration.