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Project Life: Weeks 24 and 25

It’s been awhile since I posted my Project Life pages. Why’s that you ask? Because I’ve been behind! I’ve struggled the last few weeks to keep up and it just plain sucks. I got behind with Week 24 because I just didn’t feel like doing it … and then when I did finally feel like doing it, I felt like I was too far removed from the actual week. It was a huge struggle to compile the page almost two weeks after the fact. This then pushed Week 25 back and I had the same issue. So what did I learn? Don’t fall behind!

Here’s my Week 24:



And here’s what I did for Week 25:




I’m almost caught up (I’m working on last weeks pages right now). My goal is to be caught up before this week is over and then stay caught up! I also need to make sense of the ever growing pile of papers my kids have brought home from school in May and figure out how or if I’m going to incorporate them into the album. Did I mention I had to start a new album? Yep, I’m pretty sure I’m going to need at least three albums to make it through the year.


How’s project life going for you? Are you keeping up? Any tricks you could share?This week I linked up with The Mom Creative, a site filled with great Project Life inspiration.