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Free Printable: Week 26

Holy moly. I really struggled this week. I haven’t been able to get myself motivated this week. Not at all. Unless it was something I had to do (Hello work!), then it just didn’t happen. However, I set a goal at the beginning of 2012 to create a printable each and every week. I was filling with disappointment at the thought of failing this week.

Week 26 marks the halfway point. I’ve made it through half the year and have created something each and every week thus far. I didn’t want to stop now. But … I just couldn’t get myself to work on my printable. I actually started this printable more than two weeks ago. I liked the saying and had a definite design idea in my head. The problem? I couldn’t translate what I saw in my head onto the canvas in Photoshop. I started. I stopped. I deleted. I started again. I set it aside. I worked on other things. I took long breaks. I went on vacation. I showed it to a friend and asked for advice. And in the end, it still isn’t what I envisioned it would be.

But in the process, I learned a valuable lesson: sometimes things work and sometimes they don’t, and that’s okay. Not everything I do or create has to be awesome. I don’t have to love everything I make. Some things I do (last week’s printable). Some things I don’t. As I learn, grow and evolve I have to be kind to myself.

Week26_Clear your EyesDownload this high-resolution, printer ready printable here.

I couldn’t decided which version of the print I like better, with the scripty writing above and below or without. So, I’m sharing both. Which one do you like best?

Week26_Clear your Eyes_withoutDownload this high-resolution, printer ready printable here.

Hopefully I’ll get my mojo back soon. I think it might have stayed in Oregon and with my Story Sisters. I am going to spend a little time this weekend painting, writing, reading and NOT working on printables. Hopefully that will help me fill my creative bucket, Do you have any plans for the weekend?


If you've missed my previous printables, you can find them all here.